The Healdsburg Wonder League program is a baseball league that is designed for children, ages 4–19, with special needs. The 2017 Wonder League Season begins with Spring Training and a Registration session on April 8th at 10:30 am at the Foss Creek Community Center's baseball field. First day of Rotary Club's 2017 Wonder League season for Spring Training and Registration. The Healdsburg High School Baseball Team, the "Hounds", instructed the Wonder League's kid on some essentials of playing baseball. Practice began with singing of the Star Spangled Banner and instructions were initial held in side the Community Center. The clouds parted which allowed the "Spring Training" to be held in the Community Center's courtyard. Kids had their pictures taken to be made into baseball trading cards. Lunch was served after the training. First official game is April 15th with the Healdsburg High School Baseball Team assisting with the game.
Owner: Ciro Morales
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